
What is - Growth Hacking?

Growth hacking is a procedure of fast experimentation crosswise over marketing pipe, product advancement, deals sections, and different territories of the business to recognize the most proficient approaches to grow a business. A development hacking group is comprised of advertisers, designers, architects and product administrators that particularly center on the building and engaging in the client base of a business. It solely focuses on Growth. Especially used for early-stage start-ups who require colossal development in a brief timeframe on little spending plans. The expression "development hacking" was brought in by Sean Ellis, author, and CEO of GrowthHackers, in 2010. Growth hacker A growth hacker is somebody who utilizes innovative, minimal effort procedures to enable organizations to gain and hold clients. Some of the time growth hackers are likewise called growth marketers. However, a growth hacker is not just advertiser. Anybody engaged with a produc

The 80% of Indian Youth!!

The country with 50% of its population below the age of 25 can definitely reach heights in each and every sector. But is that the condition? I guess its not the case. All the creamy layer of youngsters are either working in foreign countries or not giving the damn about the happenings in India. And talking about the 80% of Indian Youth they are not getting out of their own world of dreams or say not getting proper guidance. They are so much engrossed in useless kinds of stuff neglecting the important happenings in their own country. We cannot blame the education system for that its not the education system that is stopping them from achieving their so called dreams. It's the small things which keep them away from reaching to that one point. Let's dig deeper here, to begin with, a very basic part of Indian youth i.e College. A very very crucial part of one's life where an individual can reach peaks of his own career. But is it the truth how many of our friends get very well

Trends which made 2017

The year 2017 was a very good year for gaming industry as it seen hike. Nintendo started its year from the legend of zelda and ended with the new super Mario.Games like Pokemon go,ludo king ruled the play store and attracted no.of new comers to try their hands on gaming. AR(Augmented reality)and VR(Virtual reality) appealed large no.of developers as  well as players which made the industry more entertaining and thus leading to huge market.Not only AR and VR but XR(X-reality) got into frame at end of year its about combining digital and biological realities. Huge no.of indie developers released their titles like Asura,Raji got into play and got huge no.of consumers. And those were the Indian themed games . But if we talk about consoles there is very less market till as piracy plays its role and a scarcity of specialist retail. (image credit-

PS vs Xbox

I believe that the gaming family is one big family that at the core of which is our love for gaming.It doesnt matter if you're a PS4 gamer or an Xbox One gamer.Let's not forget about the Wii and of course the PC.Being part of glorious PC master race has its advantages,the rest is provided by our Lord and Saviour Gaben.However, it doesn't mean the consoles have it bad. Just take a look at all the consoles exclusive titles that have realsed in the past few years.A lot of them stood out as top notch games.                                      Take the PlayStation  exclusive franchise Uncharted for example, the game hasn't received a score below 8 ANYWHERE, and was critically acclaimed and well recieved throughout the world.Uncharted has even been named the second best franchise of the generation and Uncharted 2: Among theives is often considered one of the best games of all time.                                       The Playstation has other great titles as

All you need to know-Game programming..

It might create a question mark to some of the aspiring students willing to go in the industry.So first of all What is Game Programming?- as the name suggest it has to do something with computer programming sure it has to! but before you have to understand the steps the basics.                                                                              So to start with you have to be Gamer you don't have to just play games but you have to observe them.The environment of player, the movement, the Frame per Second(FPS) and many other details.After keeping in mind these basic elements you should move to the technical part i.e. is obviously programming.To start with you can go with the most basic programming language C.It is known as the mother of languages so it will ultimately help you learn other languages also. Then gradually you can move to other languages like C# or C++ which will help you to work on Game engines like unity3d and unreal engine.                          

What should I do?

There is point in every student's  life where he thinks what he has to do with life!! Which field should i opt. They just blindly follow the advice given by the coaching which intend to take loads and loads of money from students(the ultimate goal of coaching institutes).The advise will anyhow follow only one path which is IIT's , IIM's ,NIT's...without even the potential of the student..without even knowing the interests of the student they declare that He is perfect candidate for IIT or other prestigious institutes(the most funny part ).Anyhow we cannot stop this bullshit going in the education market..But have any child asked himself what am i made for?..They just follow the sheep crowd!! moving in one single direction where there is a lot of grass without thinking that the grass might be getting finished with folks in front!! what will be left for us?? Yeah off course an engineering degree...Right? This was the only aim of life...To get a engineering degree.Anyways

Gaming in India

" Gaming " a word which fantasizes all boys might be some girls too.In India gaming refers to sitting on the couch hanging out with friends and having a popcorn bucket in hand..!! Not only in India but to the most of the parents the perspective of gaming is to be entertained.                                             But do we think that how much does gaming industry contributes to our Indian GDP? No..How much revenue is made by this industry? Its not obviously more than the IT filed anyhow.   521,113,000 dollars .   Yes this is the amount generated by Indian gaming industries.With the advancement of virtual realities there is a boost in Gaming industry only.Can you think you can even earn buy playing video games!! I know it sounds funny for some of you but yes its the reality. There is a lot of population running towards becoming an Engineer and stuffs but there is also huge opportunities in this field too. We just see gaming as an mere entertainment but trust