What should I do?

There is point in every student's life where he thinks what he has to do with life!! Which field should i opt. They just blindly follow the advice given by the coaching which intend to take loads and loads of money from students(the ultimate goal of coaching institutes).The advise will anyhow follow only one path which is IIT's , IIM's ,NIT's...without even the potential of the student..without even knowing the interests of the student they declare that He is perfect candidate for IIT or other prestigious institutes(the most funny part ).Anyhow we cannot stop this bullshit going in the education market..But have any child asked himself what am i made for?..They just follow the sheep crowd!! moving in one single direction where there is a lot of grass without thinking that the grass might be getting finished with folks in front!! what will be left for us?? Yeah off course an engineering degree...Right? This was the only aim of life...To get a engineering degree.Anyways...