The 80% of Indian Youth!!

The country with 50% of its population below the age of 25 can definitely reach heights in each and every sector. But is that the condition? I guess its not the case. All the creamy layer of youngsters are either working in foreign countries or not giving the damn about the happenings in India. And talking about the 80% of Indian Youth they are not getting out of their own world of dreams or say not getting proper guidance. They are so much engrossed in useless kinds of stuff neglecting the important happenings in their own country. We cannot blame the education system for that its not the education system that is stopping them from achieving their so called dreams. It's the small things which keep them away from reaching to that one point. Let's dig deeper here, to begin with, a very basic part of Indian youth i.e College. A very very crucial part of one's life where an individual can reach peaks of his own career. But is it the truth how many of our friends get very well...